A link the world of reality, family, and friends while we're off exploring the planet ...

Monday, May 29, 2006

Chillin' out in Oz

Sorry for the lack of posting on this website in the last couple weeks. We've been on the Gold Cost (near Brisbane) and near Cairns (near the top of Australia) for the last 8 days or so, mostly relaxing and taking a break from being quite so touristy. We were a bit "touristed out" and starting to feel like we've been away from home for a while, so it was good to have a bit of a breat.

We spent some great time with friends and family ... got toured around some places we wouldn't have thought to go without a local host. Definitely a great way to see a country! We can't thank Kay, Gray, Margaret, Pete, and Jenny enough for their hosptiality. The other part of this that has been wonderful is watching Andrew wander around so comfortably in his "other home country." So relaxed, so sure of where he's going ... even on th eleft hand side of the road, not needing road maps or anything!

We're off to Thailand tomorrow, where we explore not only a new country but a culture that's new to both of us. That should get us back into the mode of learning about the culture and where we're going ... being willing to do some work to see some interesting things. I'm sure there will be really fascinating places to see!


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