A link the world of reality, family, and friends while we're off exploring the planet ...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Were not in the US anymore, Andrew...

It didn't take long after taking off from LA to know that we weren't going to be in the US any longer. Just until the wheels were taken up and stowed into the aircraft after takeoff ... when the pilots turned off the seatbelt sign. Guess the lawers for Air New Zealand aren't as worried as the ones from US carriers.... ;)

Oh ... also when someone had to lure a "local dog"off the runway in Papeete with a bone so that we could taxi to the terminal.

And finally, when we had to figure out how to slow down to Island Time. A luxurious thing to complain about, I know. But it makes you realize how much stock we put into "becoming"what we do for a living. Being just you and then figuring out who you are is a different question. And hopefully life is bigger than just a job. At least, I hope I'll have a positive answer to that in just a little while.


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