And we're off...

First leg of the trip - DONE! Here's a picture of our very first airplane of the trip (forgive me ... I admit to being a nerd)
OK ... not so much the longest leg of the trip, but who's complaining, especially when you get bumped to first class. They even fed us dinner! Tuscan wraps with chicken and sundried tomatoes, with marinara sauce to dip it in. Plus a warm cookie and Starbucks coffee liquor and milk to dip it in for dessert. Maybe we should have taken a picture of that. ;)
I can't complain about being pampered ... especially at the beginning. It helped a bit with the anxiety level, too. It's wierd packing up the house and leaving for 3 1/2 months ... you kinda wonder what you've gotten yourself into. Unless you count moving to college (and I'm not), I've never been gone for that long.
We decided the best way (other than pampering) to combat trip anxiety is to think about each leg as the only one. So, currently we're on a short trip to Orange County and the Cook Islands. Just a couple days to warm up and get the stress out of our bodies. We'll see if we're ready to go somewhere else after that.
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